Consumers are ready to splash out

Consumers are ready to splash out

During lockdown, despite the loss of employment income for many, consumers have been accumulating savings rather than spending. The Bank of England estimates £125 billion has been racked up – an average of £4,000 per household. Will consumers use these ‘pent-up’...
Time gentlemen please!

Time gentlemen please!

Because of Covid, pubs are now closing at 10pm, resulting in a furore of dismay and much controversy about loss of liberties and the ‘killjoy’ attitude of the government. But many of us remember when the closure of pubs at 10pm was the norm. The announcement of ‘Time,...
It’s good to talk

It’s good to talk

For many people the telephone has been a great source of support during lockdown. Not only has it enabled us to keep contact with family and close friends, but the ‘hallo – how are you – how are you coping?’ calls with not-so-close acquaintances have somehow...
Government control over our lives

Government control over our lives

As we endure the long months of Covid-19, it is clear from recent (Aug 2020) YouGov polls that the British people have overwhelmingly approved of the government’s restrictions on their daily lives. For instance, 91% have supported the requirement to wear face masks on...
Fancy a holiday abroad?

Fancy a holiday abroad?

Taking a holiday abroad at the moment carries risks that we couldn’t have imagined a year ago. At a time when there’s so much uncertainty associated with travel, many of us are choosing to stay at home, with dramatic effects on the tourism industry and airlines in...