Jan 9, 2019 | Stories
Those interested in the historical perspectives of the polling industry may be interested to see in the Survey Magazine issue for Summer 1998* the report that “a handful of friendly researchers from different countries met in Sussex in 1947 under the informal...
Jan 2, 2019 | Stories
The World Gold Council’s Annual Review of 2017 asserts that there has been “a profound shift in sentiment and recognition of gold’s role as wealth preservation and risk mitigation tool” in line with their strategy of making gold a mainstream asset. In fact this is...
Dec 28, 2018 | Stories
An Autumn 1988 Survey Magazine article, now easily accessible in the Archive via www.amsr.org.uk shows that even 30 years ago UK obesity was already a matter of national concern. It highlighted findings from the 1983 Report by the College of Physicians which showed...